Tourism has been strictly limited in Bhutan so that traditional culture can be preserved and nurtured. The Bhutanese are highly religious people and therefore it is important to show respect and understanding for local customs and way of life, especially while visiting places of religious significance.
The tourism industry in Bhutan is founded on the principle of sustainability, meaning that tourism must be environmentally and ecologically friendly, socially and culturally acceptable, and also economically viable. For these reasons, tourism is carefully monitored and the number of tourists visiting Bhutan is kept to an environmentally manageable level.
Indian Tourist traveling to Bhutan does not require any visa. However they need a travel Permit to visit Bhutan.
Permits: There are 02 types of PERMIT.
- Entry Permit: When you are entering Bhutan, you have to get the Entry Permit which can be procured at the entry point either in Paro airport (when travelling by flight) or in Phuentsholing Bhutan (when travelling overland either from Bagdogra or NJP). Entry permit cannot be made in advance as physical appearance is required at the immigration office. Entry permit is also a valid document to visit Thimphu and Paro.
- Route Permit: If you choose your Itinerary to visit places (Punakha, Wangdue, Bumthang, etc) beyond Paro and Thimphu, you need to have a Route Permit. We need the scanned copy of either your passport or Voter ID card to make your Route Permit in advance. Route permit will ONLY be made in Thimphu on the working days between 09.00 – 11.00 hrs.
Travel Documents Required With Presence of the Guest:
- Valid Indian passport (above 6 months validity) or Voters Identity Card (anyone) is a must for 18 years and above.
- Child below 5 years (Birth certificate is required).
- Child between 6 – 17 years academic School Identity Card is required.
- 04 recent passport size photographs for each guest.
Entering Bhutan by Flight: While collecting your airlines boarding pass you are given 02 forms at Druk air counter.
- Embarkation & Disembarkation Card (Blue Form): You are required to fill up the form completely and submit the same to the authority.the concern officer retains the disembarkation card and return the embarkation card back to you which is again required while exiting Bhutan.Please do not lose this card.
- Immigration form (Yellow Form): You are required to fill and submit this form at the immigration counter while getting the entry permit at Bhutan airport.
Bhutan Entry Permit:
- Passport Holder: Bhutan entry permit are stamped on the passport itself. It is must to carry your passport while traveling & taking inter point connection. You will not be allowed to leave the country without stamping the exit on it.
- Voter ID Card: Bhutan entry permit are issued separately on papers after verifying Voter ID card. This document must be carried while traveling & taking inter point connection. You are also advised to make photo copy of the paper permit and keep it in safe custody as you will not be allowed to leave the country without surrendering this paper permit in original. This permit is also required to make the pink permit for visiting any other area other than Thimphu & Paro.
Exiting Bhutan by Flight: While collecting your airlines boarding pass you are given 02 forms at the Druk air counter.
- Declaration from for Departing Passengers (Blue Form): You are required to fill it and submit at the immigration counter along with entry permit (original copy) and Embarkation card which is given to you while entering Bhutan.
- Immigration Form (Yellow form): You are required to fill up this immigration form (Yellow form) and this form has to be submitted at the immigration counter at the final port of Disembarkation, ie Bagdogra, Kolkata, Delhi and other airport connected by Druk air in India.
- Bhutan Entry Permit: This is the same Paper permit issued while entering Bhutan. You will not be allowed to leave the country without surrendering this paper permit in original.
- Declaration form basically states that you are not carrying any prohibited items out of Bhutan
- Embarkation form is the left over form while entering Bhutan.
- Yellow form is basically a self-declaration of items carried by you on flight.i.e.number of check in Baggage, hand baggage, duty & duty free items.
Entering Bhutan by Surface: Bhutan Entry permit are issued from the immigration office at Phuentsholing only on working day (Monday-Friday) excluding Saturday, Sunday & Bhutan national holidays.
- You are required to visit the immigration office along with your guide / driver at the Bhutan entry gate to obtain your Bhutan entry permit (personal presence is a must for obtaining the permit).
- For surface traveler Bhutan entry permit are issued separately in papers after verifying the documents. This document must be carried while traveling and taking inner point connection. You are also advised to make photo copy of the paper permit and keep it in safe custody. As you will not be allowed to leave the country without surrendering the pink permit for visiting any other area other than Thimphu & Paro.
Exiting Bhutan by Surface: While exiting from Phuentsholing you will have to surrender original entry permit which was given to you while entering Bhutan at immigration office, Karbandi, which is 5 km before Phuentsholing. You will not be allowed to leave the country without surrendering this paper permit in original, issued at Paro / Phuntsholing.
Visa Formalities: Other than Indian, Bangladeshis and Maldivian nationals, all visitors to Bhutan require a visa; all visas are issued from Thimpu; visas are only issued to tourists booked with a local licensed tour operator, directly or through a foreign travel agent. Applications for tourist visas are submitted by the tour operator. Visa clearance from Thimpu must be obtained before coming to Bhutan. Visa clearance takes at least 10 days to process. Air tickets to Bhutan cannot be purchased without visa clearance. At your point of entry the visa will be stamped in your passport on payment of US$40, two passport photos will also be required. Visas are issued for a 15day period; extensions can be obtained in Thimpu at a cost of Nu.510.
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